Tuesday 19 November 2013

Silhoutte Work

In this lesson, we learned how to create silhouette images out of an ordinary picture.

Here are the images I used to create my silhouette image:

This was just an image of a tree I found on Google. It made creating the silhouette easier due to the already white background.

And this was just an image of a business man I found on Google.

To create a silhouette out of the tree I used the magic wand tool to select the white background. Then I went to 'select' and 'inverse' which meant I now had the tree selected. Once this was done, I used the bucket tool to change the tree to black and then, with the paintbrush tool and black still selected, I went over the tree's silhouette to cover over any bits the bucket tool missed. Next, with the picture of the man, I used the quick select tool to select him and the paintbrush tool, with black selected, to colour the image black and make him into a silhouette. Next, I dragged the image of the man onto a new layer for the image of the tree, by using the move tool. After I resized him, using 'free transform' and placed him where I wanted him to go, I used the paintbrush tool, with black selected, and created a bit more of a base to the tree, so it didn't look like it was just floating. Then, I created a new layer and placed it beneath the other layers. I used the colour swatch to select a grey-blue colour and then used the fill tool to colour the whole background with it. Next, I selected a smaller size for the paintbrush tool and picked out a lighter grey-blue. I made small, diagonal lines across the whole image, then used 'filter' 'blur' and 'motion blur' the make the lines look as if they were falling in the direction I'd made them go in, hopefully creating the illusion of rain.
Here's my finished image:

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