Tuesday 26 November 2013

Graffiti Tag

In this lesson we learned how to create our own Graffiti Tags on Photoshop.

Here's my created tag

The Steps Used to Make It:
First, we had to set the Canvas Size and change the brushes to Calligraphic brushes. We then added a new layer. From that, using the mouse and brush tool, I wrote out a Graffiti tag that I liked. In my case, I used my nickname - Harrie. Then, we had to add a layer style and select 'stroke'. A Layer Style box popped up and from that box I ticked Stroke, Gradient Overlay, Pattern Overlay, Inner Glow, Outer Glow and Inner Shadow. For each one, I was able to adjust things such as the colours to make the tag less boring. Once that was done, I pressed 'Okay' and then opened an image of a brick wall in Photoshop. Finally I dragged the new layer, with my tag on, onto the brick wall using the drag tool.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Silhoutte Work

In this lesson, we learned how to create silhouette images out of an ordinary picture.

Here are the images I used to create my silhouette image:

This was just an image of a tree I found on Google. It made creating the silhouette easier due to the already white background.

And this was just an image of a business man I found on Google.

To create a silhouette out of the tree I used the magic wand tool to select the white background. Then I went to 'select' and 'inverse' which meant I now had the tree selected. Once this was done, I used the bucket tool to change the tree to black and then, with the paintbrush tool and black still selected, I went over the tree's silhouette to cover over any bits the bucket tool missed. Next, with the picture of the man, I used the quick select tool to select him and the paintbrush tool, with black selected, to colour the image black and make him into a silhouette. Next, I dragged the image of the man onto a new layer for the image of the tree, by using the move tool. After I resized him, using 'free transform' and placed him where I wanted him to go, I used the paintbrush tool, with black selected, and created a bit more of a base to the tree, so it didn't look like it was just floating. Then, I created a new layer and placed it beneath the other layers. I used the colour swatch to select a grey-blue colour and then used the fill tool to colour the whole background with it. Next, I selected a smaller size for the paintbrush tool and picked out a lighter grey-blue. I made small, diagonal lines across the whole image, then used 'filter' 'blur' and 'motion blur' the make the lines look as if they were falling in the direction I'd made them go in, hopefully creating the illusion of rain.
Here's my finished image:

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Stencil Work

For my first entry on this blog, I'm posting the work we've done this lesson.
During this lesson, we learnt how to take an image from the internet and turn it into a stencil, even add it onto of the wall of an underpass or building.

Here's an example of one of the two stencil's I did. For this, I saved the Fate/Stay Night logo to my desktop then opened it up in photoshop. I used the threshold tool, by going to the adjustments tab and then 'threshold', to obtain the basic black and white style of a stencil. Then, because it wasn't as smooth as I'd wanted, I used the palette knife filter to smooth it out. This was done by going to the filter tab, hovering over 'artistic' and then clicking 'palette knife.' After that, I used to move tool to drag the image onto the background I wanted and then resized it. Using 'transform' and then 'distort' I was able to change the perspective of the image so it followed the shape of the wall, making it look more realistic. I changed the layer's setting to 'multiply' and then merged that layer down to remove the white. Finally I selected the person in the image, cut and pasted them onto a new layer and moved that layer above the layer with the logo. This was so the logo looked like it was on the wall only. Above is the final result.

This example had the same basic process. The only difference was I used three different images, one of an Umbreon, one of a Pikachu and one of a Poocheyenna, and repeated the process, only up to using the palette knife tool, for each image. Then, I moved them onto a new image and positioned them how I wanted them to go, using different layers to help make it easier. I used the text tool and stencil font for the text then merged all the layers down. Then, I continued with the rest of the process, ending up with a final result I'm quite proud of.