Thursday 21 May 2015

Editing A Scan For My Blog

Here is the original un-edited scan of my work. File Size: 7.43 MB, File Format: JPEG

First I cropped the image quite a bit as I wanted to focus on a few sketches rather than the whole piece. Next, I made some adjustments to the brightness and contrast to try and correct the exposure. As it was a sketch I didn't need to adjust the colour balance thankfully and instead moved onto resizing the image instead to allow it to fit onto the blog. This was done by resampling the pixel size from (907 pixels width x 1603 pixels height) to (600 pixels width x 800 pixels height). The final thing I needed to was to adjust the resolution, by turning resampling off, from 300 dpi to 72 dpi to, once again, reduce the file size, and from there I saved it as a JPEG with medium quality to also reduce file size.

Here is the edited image. File Size: 67 KB, File Format: JPEG

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