Tuesday 13 May 2014

Learning To Use Cinema 4D

First, I added the three shapes needed by going to Objects and then Primitive. The objects were all automatically placed at the '0' XYZ coordinate so I had to move them. I did this by using the Coordinate Manager. For my Sphere I changed the Z position to 300m and for the Cone I did the same but changed it to -300m.
Next, I added a floor by going to Object and then Scene and selecting floor. As the floor was also placed automatically at '0' XYZ I went to each of my objects and changed the Y position to 100m in the Coordinates Manager.
Now, to add colours to my objects and floor, I had to use the Materials Manager and selected New Material. To make obtaining colours easier I used the colour table and the colour I wanted for my Sphere. Then, I dragged the thumbnail from the Material Manager to the Sphere's icon in the Objects Manager. I repeated the process and created two more New Materials and selected the Cone and Cube's colours, then dragged each thumbnail to the shape I wanted. Next, I went back and, using the Material Editor, checked reflection and adjusted the brightness to 20% for each of my objects.
For the floor, I created a New Material then went to Texture, Surface and finally Checkerboard. Next, as with the shapes, I selected reflection and changed the brightness to 20% before I dragged the thumbnail from the Material Manager to the floor's icon in the Objects Manager.
Finally I added an Omni Light Object then adjusted it's position with the Coordinates Manager, changing the values to 500m on the X axis, 350m on the Y axis and -300 on the Z axis. I used the Objects Attributes Manager to increase the light intensity to 150% and apply a Soft Shadow Map. Below is the finished result.

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