Friday 6 February 2015

Editing A Photo For My Blog

Here is the original un-edited photograph of my work. File Size: 2.3 MB, File Format: JPEG

First I cropped the image slightly to remove some of the excess area, then made some adjustments using the Transform/Skew tool. I recropped the image again slightly, using the crop tool and then moved on to trying to correct the camera exposure using the Levels tool. Once that was done, I made another slight adjustment with the Colour Balance to correct the colour cast. Next, I resized the image size so that the image would fit onto the blog. I did this by resampling the pixel size from (1881 pixels width x 1410 pixels height) to (800 pixels width x 600 pixels width). Finally, I adjusted the resolution, by turning resampling off, from 300 dpi to 72 dpi to reduce the file size, and saved it as a JPEG with medium quality to also reduce file size.

Here is the edited photograph of my work. File Size: 127KB, File Format: JPEG